Nabízíme realizaci normalizovaných i nenormalizovaných zkoušek z oblasti nedestruktivní diagnostiky (NDT) strojů a zařízení. Naše laboratoř není akreditována, specializujeme se proto především na vývojové zkoušky a testy dle specifikací zákazníka a návrh zkoušek na míru řešenému problému, které akreditované laboratoře obvykle neposkytují. Umíme však rovněž celou řadu normalizovaných zkoušek, které slouží zákazníkům například k ověření vlastností produktů při přípravě na následné akreditované zkoušky. Laboratoř je vybavena univerzálním měřicím vybavení, které dovoluje pokrýt širokou škálu experimentů. Zejména se však specializujeme na tyto oblasti:
Akustika - měření hladin akustického tlaku, měření akustického výkonu a lokalizaci zdrojů hluku.
Vibrace - měření vibrační odezvy tradičními metodami a aplikace akustické emise
Obecná měření neelektrických veličin - síla, zdvih, magnetické pole, tlak a další.
Akustická měření
Hluková emise je zpravidla velmi přísně hodnoceným provozním parametrem stroje. Zejména pokud se zařízení provozuje v prostorách obývaných lidmi nebo vyžaduje lidskou obsluhu. Příliš vysoký hluk pak může být překážkou k uvedení produktu na trh. Hluk je zároveň jedním z důležitých diagnostických parametrů, který může signalizovat poškození stroje. Akustická měření spočívají nejčastěji v zjišťování hladin hluku, stanovení akustického akustického výkonu nebo lokalizaci problematických míst, zdrojů hluku, na strojním zařízení. Popřípadě v kombinaci uvedených metod. Následná analýza výsledků pak potvrdí dobré provozní vlastnosti stroje, nebo může přispět k nalezení příčin nevyhovujícího stavu. Lze také sledovat hlukovou expozici, které je vystavena obsluha stroje, zjišťovat zda jsou dodrženy hygienické hlukové limity v daném prostředí apod.
Posuzování vnější i vnitřní hlukové emise strojů a zařízení v terénu nebo v v akustické komoře.
Stanovení hladin akustického tlaku, ověřování hygienických a technických limitů.
Měření akustického výkonu strojů a zařízení (lze i in-situ).
Identifikace zdrojů hluku intenzitní sondou firmy Brüel and Kjaer nebo s pomocí stacionárního mikrofonního pole. Lze pracovat také v módu akustické kamery s okamžitým náhledem na hlukovou mapu v reálném čase.
Měření hladin hluku v pracovním a mimopracovním prostředí.
Měření vzduchové neprůzvučnosti a vložného útlumu.
Akustická měření dle zadání zákazníka, nebo sestavené na míru problému.
Acoustic emission
Are you the owner of an expensive and demanding technology in an advanced stage of operation, you do not want to invest in a new one and you want to find out how long you can safely operate it?
Are you concerned about media leaks in inaccessible areas and want to locate the source?
Are you looking for an original solution for the detection of active defects in the material of statically or dynamically stressed structures with high sensitivity at a reasonable price?
Do you need long-term monitoring of cyclically loaded equipment (critical infrastructure), to locate and assess the severity of structural defects, and you do not know which non-destructive technique to use?
We have a solution for you
We are a team of experts with long-term experience in the field of technical diagnostics with a focus on:
Long-term monitoring of cyclically loaded equipment (bearings, transmission mechanisms, pipe systems, bolts, etc.) in laboratory or operating conditions with an emphasis on early detection and development of damage
Basic and applied research in the field of fracture mechanics and mechanical, corrosion and other material properties (e.g. fatigue of composite materials - delamination, study of contact fatigue processes, evaluation of the integrity of concrete mixtures produced by 3D printing, detection of partial discharges, etc.)_d04a07d8-9cd1-3239 -9149-20813d6c673b_
Comparative durability tests of bearing materials and their evaluation
What can we offer?
Initial consultation and initial measurement (free)
Design of conceptual solutions and price calculation (free)
Measuring technique based on the principle of the acoustic emission method and professional support in solving static and dynamic tests of structures produced by conventional or unconventional technologies (3D printing, etc.)
Solution of structural problems especially in applications with reduced availability of measuring technology (confined spaces, etc.)
Non-traditional solutions to problems that other companies or institutions are unable to solve (wide access to modern instrumentation, which our faculty has) with an emphasis on flexibility and price offer
Professional competence of our workers with internationally recognized certificates in the field of NDT
Modern instrumentation meets the demanding requirements of today (digitalization, online monitoring, etc.)
Acoustic emission
Are you the owner of an expensive and demanding technology in an advanced stage of operation, you do not want to invest in a new one and you want to find out how long you can safely operate it?
Are you concerned about media leaks in inaccessible areas and want to locate the source?
Are you looking for an original solution for the detection of active defects in the material of statically or dynamically stressed structures with high sensitivity at a reasonable price?
Do you need long-term monitoring of cyclically loaded equipment (critical infrastructure), to locate and assess the severity of structural defects, and you do not know which non-destructive technique to use?
We have a solution for you
We are a team of experts with long-term experience in the field of technical diagnostics with a focus on:
Long-term monitoring of cyclically loaded equipment (bearings, transmission mechanisms, pipe systems, bolts, etc.) in laboratory or operating conditions with an emphasis on early detection and development of damage
Basic and applied research in the field of fracture mechanics and mechanical, corrosion and other material properties (e.g. fatigue of composite materials - delamination, study of contact fatigue processes, evaluation of the integrity of concrete mixtures produced by 3D printing, detection of partial discharges, etc.)_d04a07d8-9cd1-3239 -9149-20813d6c673b_
Comparative durability tests of bearing materials and their evaluation
What can we offer?
Initial consultation and initial measurement (free)
Design of conceptual solutions and price calculation (free)
Measuring technique based on the principle of the acoustic emission method and professional support in solving static and dynamic tests of structures produced by conventional or unconventional technologies (3D printing, etc.)
Solution of structural problems especially in applications with reduced availability of measuring technology (confined spaces, etc.)
Non-traditional solutions to problems that other companies or institutions are unable to solve (wide access to modern instrumentation, which our faculty has) with an emphasis on flexibility and price offer
Professional competence of our workers with internationally recognized certificates in the field of NDT
Modern instrumentation meets the demanding requirements of today (digitalization, online monitoring, etc.)
Acoustic emission
Are you the owner of an expensive and demanding technology in an advanced stage of operation, you do not want to invest in a new one and you want to find out how long you can safely operate it?
Are you concerned about media leaks in inaccessible areas and want to locate the source?
Are you looking for an original solution for the detection of active defects in the material of statically or dynamically stressed structures with high sensitivity at a reasonable price?
Do you need long-term monitoring of cyclically loaded equipment (critical infrastructure), to locate and assess the severity of structural defects, and you do not know which non-destructive technique to use?
We have a solution for you
We are a team of experts with long-term experience in the field of technical diagnostics with a focus on:
Long-term monitoring of cyclically loaded equipment (bearings, transmission mechanisms, pipe systems, bolts, etc.) in laboratory or operating conditions with an emphasis on early detection and development of damage
Basic and applied research in the field of fracture mechanics and mechanical, corrosion and other material properties (e.g. fatigue of composite materials - delamination, study of contact fatigue processes, evaluation of the integrity of concrete mixtures produced by 3D printing, detection of partial discharges, etc.)_d04a07d8-9cd1-3239 -9149-20813d6c673b_
Comparative durability tests of bearing materials and their evaluation
What can we offer?
Initial consultation and initial measurement (free)
Design of conceptual solutions and price calculation (free)
Measuring technique based on the principle of the acoustic emission method and professional support in solving static and dynamic tests of structures produced by conventional or unconventional technologies (3D printing, etc.)
Solution of structural problems especially in applications with reduced availability of measuring technology (confined spaces, etc.)
Non-traditional solutions to problems that other companies or institutions are unable to solve (wide access to modern instrumentation, which our faculty has) with an emphasis on flexibility and price offer
Professional competence of our workers with internationally recognized certificates in the field of NDT
Modern instrumentation meets the demanding requirements of today (digitalization, online monitoring, etc.)